Here are some links to a variety of topics related to our photography activities.
Recent Articles
One Image – How 8 Photographers Edited it.
The Benefits of Using a Wide-Angle Lens for Macro Phorography
Photo Life Suggested Reading List
Lynn Dukelow’s Macro Presentation of May 28
The Ultimate Guide to Landscape Photography at Night.
Presentation on making Black & White Images
Online Training
A link to the Adorama Learning Centre
Article about the pros and cons of shooting RAW and JPEG formats.
Presentation on Resizing Images in Photoshop
Understanding the Exposure Triangle
Short 4 minute video to help learn to see how light affects your image.
Short 3 minute video covering many of the composition ‘rules’
A tutorial on focal length, compression, and bokeh
A link to the Lambton Library list of free online courses
An article providing advice on critiquing pictures (including your own)